Answered By: Laurie Heathcock
Last Updated: Mar 02, 2020     Views: 76

To search for journal articles in physical education, follow these steps:

  1. Start at the Library home page
  2. At the bottom of the middle screen (under Catalog & Discovery boxes) click on the red link to list of electronic resources & databases.
  3. Click on SUBJECT Listing
  4. Select Physical Education from the drop-down menu
  5. Click on the Databases tab
  6. Use either EBSCOhost Education Databases (my first choice) OR SportDiscus.

Help with keywords? Try words such as "physical education", "physical educators," planning, activities, strategies, teaching... etc.

If you get too many irrelevant records, force a keyword, such as physical education, to come up in the title. When it is "search a field" it is only looking for the keyword. You can change the search next to the box to T- Document Title or Title.